RIPL - Reno Indoor Pistol League

Competitions! Come join the fun!

You're sure to improve your aim!

Thanks to our awesome RIPL team!

Dates & Registration

RIPL (Reno Indoor Pistol League)

Held the 1st and 2nd Thursday evenings of the month

Match Results on Practiscore

7:00 PM - 10:30 PM (Check in 6:30 PM)

$35.00/person (Non-Member)
$30.00/person (Member)

Limited to 48 participants each night -  Pre-Registration highly recommended

  • 2-4 Stages per match
  • Each stage will have a minimum of 6 rounds and maximum of 40 rounds
  • Paper or cardboard IDPA and USPSA targets
  • Firearms used are mostly pistols, but we will accommodate PCC's
  • Iron sights and red dot sights allowed
  • Stage descriptions and Classifiers will vary weekly.
  • Stages will be designed to test a shooters practical shooting skills.  The score is determined by dividing stage points by time + penalties.

Dates & Registration

RIPL Skill Builder

Held the 3rd Thursday evening of the month 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Register and pay by 4:30PM day of match

$35.00/person (Non-Member)
$30.00/person (Member)

Limited to 20 participants each night. Pre-Registration highly recommended

Our 6 lane and 4 lane shooting bays will be used for this event.  Participants will practice specific skills to increase proficiency.  The end goal is to improve performance in competitive pistol competitions.  Participants will receive coaching and feedback from our team of competitive shooters/RSOs.

Paper or cardboard IDPA and USPSA targets will be used during this class.

Firearms used will mainly be pistols, but we may run some stages with pistol caliber carbines.

Iron sights and red dot sights are allowed.

We proudly sponsor competitive shooters...


David Jun

David Jun has been a competitive shooter for approximately 7 years.  His primary involvement is with the USPSA organization, specifically in the Carry Optics and Limited Optics divisions.  He also occasionally shoots in other disciplines such as Multi-Gun, IDPA, Steel Challenge and various Centerfire and Rimfire rifle events.  David is a regular at Reno Guns & Range and competitor in our Reno Indoor Pistol League matches.

Congratulations to David on reaching a milestone in his competitive shooting journey by achieving USPSA Grand Master in the Carry Optics division (top 5%).

Ian Coberly
"I was introduced to competitive shooting through the RIPL league back in 2020 (the good old glory years). Competitive shooting gave me clear goals (to move up through the USPSA rankings) and I appreciated how the competitions increased my firearm use proficiency in a fast-past environments.
I also joined USPSA in 2020 and over the years have reached a Master level in both Carry Optics and Limited Optics. I also help with both regional outdoor clubs, WNPL and SFA, through match directing and performing administrative work for the clubs. Outside of competitive shooting, I partake in various types of long gun training and long walks in the dark.
RGR and the local Gun Community holds a special place in my heart because that's how I met my wife at the RIPL League, thank you God and LVD. "